Monday, March 17, 2014

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Happy St. Paddy's Day friends! 

Today, the Hubs and I kept things kind of mellow. He's off on Mondays, so we went for a run together this morning and, other than a trip to Publix, stayed totally unproductive all day. It's been wonderful. Z recently took her first steps, so we spent most of the day on the family room rug playing and watching her practice her new skill. 

I totally flaked this year and completely forgot to get Baby Tuna any kind of holiday outfit. I may have been a bit gun-shy after last year's experience. And somehow Z doesn't have a stitch of green in her wardrobe. How is that possible?! Thankfully, a cute tutu that my MIL got for her last year (and was waaayyy too big) still fit, in spite of being size 3 months! I had all kinds of plans to order a cute clip or headband for the holiday, but Z is fiercely anti-headwear these days. (The barrette in the pic below was removed shortly after the photo was taken.) 

And, in the interest of keeping things holiday-appropriate, we all enjoyed a festive and delicious snack this afternoon. 

Z inhaled her whole plate of fruit, including the blueberries, which she had only had in purees before today. And for the Hubs and I, I mixed some vanilla greek yogurt with a little agave and cinnamon to dip some of the fruit in. So good! 

And for a less healthy, but equally festive treat...

On Friday, I told you guys that we had been snacking on Lucky Charms. Probably my favorite cereal of all time (ok, three-way-tie with Cinnamon Toast Crunch and Honey Nut Cheerios). Since we had them around, Baby Tuna and I made some yummy marshmallow treats using Lucky Charms instead of Rice Krispies. I was so proud of myself, thinking I had come up with a brilliant original idea, only to find a million versions of it on Pinterest. Duh. 
So it turns out I may not be as clever as I originally thought, but these things are so addictive and way better than regular Rice Krispie Treats. Make won't be sorry! You can find the recipe here.

Hope you guys are all enjoying the holiday!

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