Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Happy One Week Birthday!!

Today, our little peanut is one week old!!! It is still one day till our original due date (February 27th), but I'm so glad Zoey decided to arrive when she did. It has been a crazy, emotional, stressful, wonderful week for our little family. We are still trying to find our rhythm, and feeding has been a huge source of drama, but our girl is healthy and we couldn't be happier! I mean, how could this face not make you the happiest momma on the planet?!

Scout inspecting Baby Tuna in the bouncer before she gets strapped in. 

As I type this, Zoey is sacked out in her bouncer, no doubt waiting for me to start eating my dinner so that she can wake up and want hers. The Hubs and I spend most of our time staring at her, laughing at her facial expressions and trying to figure out which features she got from each of us. I see her daddy's mouth and my long fingers. We're not sure where she picked up that mohawk though!

I'm guessing this is the arm I felt for all those months.

We're not sure that she loves being swaddled, although we love the look of our baby burrito. She's always sticking her right arm out so it can rest near her face. I'm sure that's a habit she picked up while she was squished in my belly, and it's so super cute!

This first week has flown by! And I'm looking forward to seeing how Zoey changes and grows in her second week. I'm also looking forward to maybe getting a little more sleep, getting this feeding issue figured out, and taking Zoey for her first walk with Scout. Thanks to everyone for all of the kind comments about our baby girl. We think she's pretty perfect!


  1. Love the arm raising picture! That is hilarious! Enjoy her and try to squeeze in some naps!

  2. It is a wonderful feeling to have Zoey in our family circle. We are in love!!
