Thursday, January 3, 2013

32 Weeks

How far along? 32 weeks and 3 days
Total weight gain: Probably about 35 lbs. Not totally sure, though. And judging from the back pain (and the looks I get from strangers), it’s all in the belly.
How big is baby? The size of a honeydew (I’m guessing that’s a weight comparison, or maybe her size now that she’s all curled up and running out of room). Baby Tuna is a little more than 19 inches long and weighs 4-4.5 lbs. She has fingernails now and is working on her sleep cycles. At least one of us is well rested!
Maternity clothes? Looking for something cute to wear to my shower in a couple of weeks…although part of me would love to rock sweatpants and one of the Hubs’ t-shirts.  
Stretch marks? None so far…I LOVE my Burt’s Bees Mama Bee Belly Butter! 
Sleep? Now that we are home for the next couple of weeks (which means sleeping in my own comfy bed), I’m sleeping much better. All of the travelling we did in the past few weeks was exhausting!
Best moment this week? Probably my cousin’s wedding shower.  The boys built a bonfire in my uncle’s backyard, and s’mores were involved, so it automatically hits the top of my list, but it was so great getting to spend some quality time with that side of the family.  New Year’s Eve was wonderful, too. The Hubs and I spent the afternoon and evening in our pjs, watching movies and playing Mario Kart. I’d like to say that I beat the crap out of him, but it’s been so long since we played, we were both pretty evenly matched in our suckiness. The Hubs made a yummy dinner (grilled salmon and asparagus with jasmine rice and key lime pie from Publix for dessert). Later, we flipped between Seacrest and Carson, trying our best to avoid Justin Bieber (who was annoyingly everywhere!) until the ball dropped. We toasted our sparkling apple juice at midnight and talked about what a HUGE year 2013 was going to be for our little family.
How are you feeling? I’ve officially reached the point of constant discomfort, and I know it will only get worse from here. Stand for too long and the belly feels heavy, sit for too long and the back hurts, slouch on the couch for too long and it becomes hard to breathe.  My walks with Scout are also getting shorter (and slower!) thanks to my lugging around all this extra weight in the belly. The Hubs thinks at some point I may just tip over forward thanks to this huge belly. I’m just thankful that I haven’t gained weight in my ass to balance it out!!
Miss anything? Being able to put on shoes, bend, and easily get off the couch or out of bed. Also being able to walk across the living room, which is the size of a postage stamp, without feeling winded.
Movement? All the time!!! She’s so active and sometimes it feels and looks like she’s doing push-ups in there!
Food cravings? Peppermint EVERYTHING and ice (that’s totally weird, I know!). There’s a lot of other stuff that sounds good to me, but nothing else that I’m really craving.
Aversions? Nothing new.    
Anything make you queasy or sick? Not really, but I’ve randomly gotten sick a few times recently. I wish it would stop.
Gender: IT’S A GIRL!!!
Any names picked out? We have a first name picked out, still working on the middle name.
Labor signs? No
Belly button in or out? Still an inny…but it’s really flattening out. The Hubs thinks it’s gonna pop soon.
Wedding rings on or off? Still on, but not sure how much longer they will last.
Mood?  Pretty happy most of the time, but getting a little anxious when I think of all we have left to do!
Looking forward to: Still working on the nursery, but it’s down to the details at this point: organizing the dresser and closet, hanging things on the walls, filling up the bookshelves, making and hanging curtains and a mobile… crap, that’s starting to sound like A LOT!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Looking great and you are an impressive exerciser for the last trimester!!!
