Thursday, January 10, 2013

33 Weeks

How far along? 33 weeks and 3 days
Total weight gain: According to the scale at the doctor, I have gained 36 lbs. It feels more like 50.  
How big is baby? The size of a durian fruit. (You’ve probably only heard of those if you have been to southeast Asia or watch a lot of Bizarre Foods, like we do. It’s pretty much the only thing that Andrew Zimmern won’t eat. It smells like feet. Apparently.) Anyhoo, Baby Tuna is about 18-19 inches long and weighs around 5 lbs. Woah!
Maternity clothes? Still looking for something cute to wear to my shower. Sweatpants are sounding better and better!
Stretch marks? None so far. . . I LOVE my Burt’s Bees Mama Bee Belly Butter! 
Sleep? Some nights are better than others. My left hip has been bugging me (sciatica?) so it’s pretty difficult getting comfortable. It doesn’t help that the douchy neighbor a few doors down likes to rev up his new Harley at 7 am either.
Best moment this week? A good check up this morning at the doctor, and of course, hearing baby girl’s heartbeat always tops my list. We are also getting closer to finishing the nursery. . .the lamp we ordered came in and it's the perfect shade of yellow, the Hubs put up the bookshelves, and we finally got the rest of the knobs for her dresser. It’s becoming our favorite place in the house! There will be pictures once it’s all finished. We also installed the car seat base in the backseat of my car, which is just weird.
How are you feeling? Overall, I feel pretty good. . .considering. I’m uncomfortable a lot of the time and get worn out very easily, but there are much worse things I could be feeling at this point, so I feel pretty lucky that I can still take Scout for a walk every morning, do some pilates, even walk around the mall once and a while, even if I have to take a few breaks. Because Baby Tuna is in her head-down position, I feel pressure under my belly almost every time I stand up. I just hope it doesn't mean she will have a gigantic head. Nightmare! 
Miss anything? Energy.  
Movement? Baby Tuna is one active little fish!
Food cravings? The usual. . . Cheerios (both chocolate and honey-nut), peppermint, ice (and other crunchy things), and I could kill someone for a chocolate Frosty and Wendy’s fries.  I’ve been strong this week in resisting, but I may cave at any moment!
Aversions? Nothing new.    
Anything make you queasy or sick? Not this week.
Gender: IT’S A GIRL!!!
Any names picked out? We have a first and middle name ready for debut upon baby girl’s arrival. 
Labor signs? No
Belly button in or out? Still an inny. . . but barely hanging on to that status.
Wedding rings on or off? They still fit, but are getting tight, so I don’t wear them that often. I’m too worried that they will get stuck in this warm weather.  Maybe I’ll start wearing a ring pop instead.
Mood? I’m a happy little camper.  
Looking forward to: Our first childbirth class is tonite. I’m looking forward to it in a terrified kind of way. It makes this whole adventure feel really real.  Also looking forward to my baby shower back home next weekend.  I’m down for any excuse to eat Publix cake!!

1 comment:

  1. You look amazing Kristi! And I love these updates! They are so much fun to read! I can't wait to see you next weekend!
