Monday, June 6, 2016

Baby #2 - 37-38 Weeks

You guys, Baby Watch 2016 has officially begun! My mom arrived on Memorial Day to help out with Zoey and we really feel like it could be any day now. Which fills me with equal parts excitement and dread. So super ready to not be pregnant for one more minute, but not so sure I'm ready for life with two kids. Are you ever?

A couple of weeks ago, we had our final ultrasound, to assess the bambino's size. If you've been following along, you might remember that he was forecast to be huge at the time of delivery. I was consistently measuring 2-3 weeks ahead, and he was measuring in the 90th percentile at each ultrasound, estimating his weight to be a pound+ more than the average. There were even discussions of a c-section, which had me totally freaked out, cuz that meant he could weigh over 11 pounds! Holy moly! They even made me go through the diabetes testing again, mostly due to his gargantuan size. Well, at this last ultrasound, he weighed an estimated 6 ½ pounds - right smack in the 50th percentile. I also measured right on time. Not sure how or why, but he graciously slowed his roll, and at my appointment last week, the doctor estimated more like 8½  - 9 pounds. Big by some folks' standards, but tiny when you're fearing a 14 pound baby! We'll just have to wait and see.

How far along: 38 weeks
Maternity clothes: Oh ya! 
Sleep: Terrible lately. Just so uncomfortable these days.  
Best Moment: Finding out that the baby is a more normal size. The Hubs and I got a nice date nite this past week, thanks to Grammy JJ. A great dinner at Tupelo Honey (If you ever go, get the s'mores won't regret it!) and stroll around Town Center. Zo was sound asleep when we got home. It was perfection! 
Missing anything: Energy, comfort, and exercise. The ship has sailed on all three! 
Cravings: Strawberries, chocolate, peach Izze, fish tacos, strawberry lemonade, fresh strawberry ice cream from the farm's amazing!
Symptoms: I've lost the rings thanks to my sausage fingers. My feet and hands have been swelling a lot, but that could be due in part to the unseasonable heat here in VB. I'm definitely at the point where there isn't a part of my body that looks like it belongs to me. Also, the baby's watermelon head is putting a ton of pressure on the bottom of my belly. Zero fun. (complain, complain, complain!!!) If I had it to do again, I'd have invested is a support band.
Looking forward to: The next phase of this adventure. Every twinge and tingle I feel seems like it could be the start of things. It hasn't been. The waiting and the unknown are the worst!

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