Sunday, May 22, 2016

Baby #2 - 34-36 Weeks

Well, I've waddled my way into month number 9, you guys. And I definitely mean waddle! Monday is the start of week 37, which means we are at "any time now" status. Being completely uncomfortable 99.9% of the time, I'm totally ready to get this giraffe out of my belly, but (and I know I've been saying this for months now) we are sooo not ready! Good thing the baby won't really be in his room too much in the first month or so, cuz that puppy is maybe halfway done. I finally decided on a changing pad cover, but we still don't even have a curtain rod (curtains-yes, rod-nope). 

I think I mentioned last time that I had to re-take the glucose screen, simply because the baby is huge, and I'm of "advanced maternal age." I'm super excited to say that I'm just carrying a big kid (not much of a surprise to us, though) and I passed the horrible three hour fasting test with flying colors. So let's eat all the chocolate!!!

How far along: 36 weeks
Maternity clothes: If I'm not leaving the house, its maternity leggings and one of Damon's old t-shirts. To go anywhere, I'm really limited to, like, three outfit options which I just rotate through. We've had a very cool and wet spring, so hallelujah for long cardigans! Cuz not a single one of my sweaters will cover this gigantic belly of mine! 
Sleep: Meh. I consider lousy sleep at this point as the body's way of preparing for life with a newborn. 
Best Moment: Passing the glucose screen (and the fish tacos I had for lunch after the test!) and surviving this week while the Hubs was away on a business trip. He was super stressed that I was going to go labor while he was gone, but I was more worried that I might sell Zoey to the circus. She's definitely reached the "three-nager" stage of life...the phrase, "I can't do/eat it. It makes me sick," is her go-to. It's equal parts hilarious and infuriating, and makes us a little worried for what she'll be like when she's 14. Sometimes it's just not fair that I can't have alcohol after her bedtime! 
Missing anything: Comfort, the ability to pick things up from the floor
Cravings: Strawberries, chocolate, peach Izze, fish tacos
Symptoms: Complete and utter exhaustion, pelvic pain, and baby hiccups every night between 9:30 & 10. Vibrates my whole body and I never get tired of it! As for the symptoms everyone wonders/asks about: belly button is still an innie, no stretch marks...yet, and my rings still fit on most days.
Looking forward to: Another ultrasound! I have one on Tuesday (also my birthday!) specifically to get a handle on just how big this kid might be at delivery time. A little nervous to hear that answer, but always jazzed to see his little face!

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