Thursday, November 21, 2013

Nine Month Update

I can't believe I just typed that...nine months!!! I know I say it every month, but where has the time gone? Three more months until the big birthday...I've got to get to planning!! Our baby girl is becoming less and less a baby and I hate it! I need a pause button - ASAP!!

BTW...these were the only two moderately acceptable pics from this month's photo shoot. Thanks to her first tooth starting to cut through, someone was a wee bit cranky. 

Weight: 18.67 lbs (weighed at her neurologist's office at her check up - btw...she's still doing awesomely!)
Height: Somewhere between 26 and 27's impossible to get a measurement!
Sizes: Slowly growing out of the 3-6 month outfits (it really depends on the brand). All new clothes are 6-12 months, or 9 months (although her 9 month-sized turkey pjs are gi-huge-ic).

Sleep: Ugh. In the last monthly update, I mentioned that we were just starting the Ferber method for sleep training the bambino. We changed up our nightly routine, pushed back bedtime by 30 minutes, and crossed our fingers. It was a tough go in the beginning, both of us trying to talk the other into not going in to quiet her before time was up. Watching her pull up on the side of the crib - and getting stuck cuz she didn't know how to sit back down - threw us off our game for about a week. We got some reassurance from some neighbors who had been through it that it was worth the headache cocktails heartbreak, and that the neighborhood probably couldn't hear Baby Tuna screaming every night.

Thankfully, at least for bedtime, it seemed to work. After a couple of weeks of bedtime horrors, Z settled into the new routine and now, although she still cries/whimpers for a minute or two, things are much less stressful for all of us (Scout included). We've come to terms with the fact that our kid will probably never be one who blissfully babbles herself to sleep (do kids like that even exist?). And that's cool, cuz most nights, she sleeps very well, and so do we. If we could just get her to stop waking up at 5:45. But we're blaming that on teething - she's ready to crack her first tooth any second and the last few days and nights have been rough. (**Update** Since typing up this post a few days ago, Z officially has one tooth, with another on the way! It's really just a little stub at this point, but it still counts.)

Nap time is a horse of a different color (what's up Wiz of Oz!). In an effort to stay consistent, we kept to the same method as bedtime, and developed a nap time routine. I don't know if it's her stubbornness (no idea where she gets that!) or FOMO, but it just didn't work. Z would scream herself hoarse for 45 minutes (don't worry I was checking in and soothing her every 5-7 minutes), and only sleep for 30. So I caved and went back to rocking her to sleep for naps, and it's been awesome. After we read a book and turn on the white noise, we get cozy in the rocker and she's out in less than 2 minutes. I love it! This week, she's back to 30 minute naps, but I am keeping fingers crossed that we'll be back to hour long naps once that tooth makes an appearance. Eventually we'll try to Ferberize nap time, but for now, I'm enjoying the snuggle time while I can.

The best best part of this whole sleep training roller coaster we've been on for the last few months...we've totally broken the babe of the binkie habit. Now she only uses her pacifiers as teethers. I told you, we are in the thick of "teething season"!

Diet: This kid is such an easy far, at least. We've added people food to the menu--scrambled eggs, cheese, banana, sweet potato fries, and steamed carrots, but peas are by far her favorite. We're talking baby crack here. Lip smacking and yummy sounds the whole time she's eating them. It's hilarious! I can't wait for Thanksgiving when she'll taste mashed potatoes, stuffing, and green beans.  Maybe even a little taste of momma's apple pie!

Cruising the Furniture: Also known as "Giving Momma a Heart Attack." We have tile floors, so all of this pulling up and cruising business is giving me fits. I am not a worrier by nature, that's more of the Hubs's game, but I'm ready to put a helmet on her and wrap her in bubble wrap at all times. I do love the way she "walks" the furniture. We have a big corner sofa, so she will start at one end and kick her foot out with each step until she reaches the other end. It's so cute! And in the last few days, Z has started figuring out how to gracefully sit back down, instead of throwing her self down face-first like she used to.

Blowing Raspberries & Dancing: I wish I had video of both of these. Babies blow raspberries all the time, but now Z will copycat hers (if you raspberry, she'll copycat) and it may be one of the cutest things ever! And the dancing...well, Baby Tuna has been affected by music since day one, but lately, she's been showing off her moves. Mostly wiggles and enthusiastic arm flapping, but every now and then she'll bob around or sway. Hopefully there are dance classes in her future, just like momma!

People Food: As I mentioned above, Baby Tuna has been trying what we call "people food". She still eats her share of purees, both store bought and homemade, but it's so much fun watching her try to feed herself peas or chunks of banana. More often than not, she makes a first class mess - the kind where you find dried banana or mushed up carrot two hours later in strange places, but isn't that why we have a dog?

Speed Crawling On All Fours: 0-60 in just a few seconds. This kid is all over the place, which means I rarely sit down, and the baby gates are now in place. Thankfully, we have a small house, so there aren't too many spots she can get into and cause trouble. But I will say that cabinet locks are next on the agenda.

Puppy Love: This girl loves her dog! She has from very early on, but now that Z is on the move, Scout is her number one target. Z shrieks and chirps as she crawls to where ever the dog is hiding laying. We are so lucky to have a dog who is sweet and gentle (and tolerant) with her baby girl.

Scout is desperately seeking a moment's peace

Hollering to get Scout's attention

A few more shots:

Thankfully, this wretched wobbly P.O.S coffee table found it's way to the curb last week.

Taking out one toy at a time, then putting them back in again

I love when she chooses toys that coordinate with her onesie! 

1 comment:

  1. So happy to learn that the first tooth is officially out! Z looks great in dots! Never thought Scout would be so patient, but we knew she was loving. Sweet photos!
