Well, after having our WiFi fritz out on us, and losing a day and a half after updating my OS, and just being super busy, I finally have a post about our weekend...last weekend.
Last weekend, we finally did something I've been excited to do since we moved here...we went strawberry picking! The Hubs & I both have fond memories of doing this as kids back in Florida and we were super jazzed about taking Z. The kid love loves strawberries. Loves them. I blame myself. I mainlined strawberries when I was pregnant (and pretty much still).
The Hubs noticed a sign at one of the local farms announcing the start of picking season, and since the weather was just about perfect, well, how could we not go? Ten minutes from the house, friends. Back home, it's a haul to the you-pick-it place. But ten minutes. Actually, ten minutes in two different directions. This place is lousy with strawberries. Who knew?!
We rolled up thirty minutes before they opened, so we thought we'd get some froyo to kill time. Unfortunately, not a single froyo place nearby, so we hit Wendy's for Z's first Frosty instead. #win
Once we got to the strawberry patch, we grabbed a bucket and got to picking'. We put Z in charge of the bucket, and she had a ball running up and down the aisles, pointing out and grabbing berries.
Strawberry picking was not without excitement. The patch isn't far from the road, with just a gravel parking lot in between. We were all bent over picking and having fun with our families, when all of a sudden we heard screeching tires. I looked up to see a guy on a motorcycle losing and regaining control of his bike as he tried not to hit the car in front of him, veering off into the grassy ditch. He would have been fine at that point, had he not hit the driveway, which launched him and his bike into the air. He flipped, ass over tea kettle, at least 15 feet in the air, and landed flat on his back in the ditch. It was so unreal. Like something we've seen a hundred times on Ridiculousness. Super slo-motion, then in fast-forward as the poor guy fell back to the ground. Thankfully, he was ok. Had on his helmet and landed well. But good gravy-he gave us all heart attack!
We all took a breath and got back to picking as EMS arrived. The weather was perfect and there were so many berries!
As soon as we got home, (and after a bath and a nap) we washed our berries and enjoyed them with some leftover fresh whipped cream (extra from a key lime pie I made a couple of days before).
Sooo goooood!!
We've also sliced them over ice cream and thrown them in the freezer and added them to our morning smoothies. (My favorite recipe, chocolate FairLife milk, frozen strawberries, a banana, handful of baby kale, teaspoon of chia. Holy moly! Probably the best thing ever!) I'm dying to try this frozen treat and these coffee cake muffins with our next batch of fresh picked berries.
I would love to do this every weekend, and, in fact, we're planning to hit the Strawberry Festival tomorrow, which includes more picking!!
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