Thursday, April 9, 2015

Our Easter Weekend

Hope you all had a wonderful Easter weekend! The weather here was amazing...and much cooler than we're used to!

The day before was filled with bunny pancakes and Easter egg dying with shaving cream.  The eggs turned out amazing - way better than any eggs I've ever dyed in the past! And, Zoey and I may or may not have been rocking hot-pinkish hands on Easter morning - even after washing our hands with toothpaste and baking soda (which mostly worked and left our hands impossibly soft!).

This was our first big holiday in VB, and our first without any other family around. I gotta say, it was kind of wonderful! (Sorry mom!) We were able to do things on our own schedule, so it was a lazy pj kind of morning. Zoey had two Easter baskets, one from us the Easter Bunny, and one that my mom sent. Lots of Sesame Street and Frozen whatnots, some new art supplies and books, and maybe a taste or two of candy.  But it was the singing Olaf the was the biggest hit - she's been carrying him around ever since!  

We missed the neighborhood egg hunt a couple of Saturdays ago (and desperately wished we were able to beam ourselves to the park in our old neighborhood for the egg hunt there), so we had our own little hunt in the backyard. Zoey was such a cutie, lugging around her big basket and hunting for eggs in our overgrown yard. (A new mower is next on our must-haves list, but the tufts of grass made perfect hiding places.)  

easter basket | tunic (gap-sold out -similar here) | leggings | Chucks

After brunch, cupcakes, and a little Sophia the First, we headed to the beach. Growing up in Florida, more than one Easter was spent with our toes in the warm sand, and although it was a beautiful day, not a cloud in the sky, it was maybe 54 degrees and win-dy at our local beach. I had visions of Z running off her cupcake and Peep sugar rush and playing in the sand, but the poor thing was so cold, she just wanted to be held the whole time. So we went for a walk before heading home. Z, of course, zonked out in the car, so the Hubs and I took the opportunity to explore and went for a drive through the farmland south of our neighborhood. It's crazy that less than a mile from our house and the hustle and bustle of our end of town, there are fields of strawberries and soybeans and who knows what else! Not to mention the Navy airstrip! 

Hope you all had a great Easter/Passover! We're still unpacking and getting settled (does it ever end?!), but it was so wonderful to take a couple of days to have fun as a family. 

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