Friday, July 18, 2014

Friday Favorites

Well, it finally happened. We had more than ten consecutive minutes of thunder-free sunshine on Monday (and a few times since then), so we suited up and enjoyed some pool time. The Hubs set up the water table so Z could splash around for a bit, and we all floated around in the pool to soak up some sunshine. Then something big happened...Z tasted her very first Bomb Pop! If you've never had one, they taste like summer, and I couldn't wait for the kid to have her first taste. She was a mess and she totally loved it!

If you've been spending any time outside this summer like we have, and especially if you live in Florida, you probably noticed that, with all this rain, the mosquitoes are relentless. Z and I are total mosquito bait, so we rarely head outside with out Honest Bug Spray. I'm always nervous spraying repellants since you end up inhaling most of it, but this stuff is totally safe and smells good, too. Honest just started selling some of their products at Target, so you may be able to find it there. (I should tell you that I am not sponsored by Honest, or any of the brands mentioned in this post. I just really love their stuff. We use a ton of Honest products around here and have never been disappointed!)

Have you guys tried Boom Chicka Pop popcorn yet? Popcorn is one of my favorite snacks, but I'm not always into setting up the popper. This stuff is the best and it's not terrible for you. We've found it at Fresh Market and Target. Try the kettle corn. You'll thank me later. I recommend noshing while binge-watching Orange is the New Black. We just got into the show recently and are totally hooked! I just wish we had more nap time to catch up faster.

We live inside of a thimble, but in the event that I wake up one morning and an additional 1,000 square feet or so have magically appeared, you can bet that I'll be adding a sweet playroom to the mix. I've been obsessed with this teepee since the pre-Z days. I don't know what it is about it (probably the polka dots - though I've seen plain canvas ones on Etsy that I love just as much), but I have visions of the two of us snuggled up inside on a pile of pillows, reading Where the Wild Things Are, perhaps with this super cute nightlight by our side.

And since we're talking about how much I love Land of Nod, I can't get enough of this ice cream print. I'm kind of thinking of adding it to our frame gallery above the sofa. (Which may or may not be done sometime this century.) We made some of our own frames and just need to get some glass cut for them so we can get things rolling on that project. In my dreams it looks similar to this from my favorites at Young House Love. We'll see what we end up with...I'll keep ya posted!

You guys have any projects going that never seem to end? I swear, having a kid throws everything into super slow-motion!

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