Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Father's Day Weekend

Is it just me, or do the weekends come and go waayy too quickly? So quickly, in fact, that I'm not even blogging about them until Wednesday.  But, I've got a great excuse-Little Miss Sillypants has been keeping me on my toes!

Jumper - Carters

We actually had a moderately eventful weekend, starting with an impromptu pizza dinner with some of our favorite neighbors. The boys talked fishing, the kiddos played way past bedtime, and the mommies may or may not have had a sip or two of rum and coke. It was a great way to kick off the weekend!

The Hubs works on Saturdays, so Zo and I took a trip to Target, which was a total zoo. I try to never ever go on Saturdays, and our local store sucks on a good day, but we were in need of some essentials, so we sucked it up and braved the craziness. And with Z pointing out every Elmo and Doc McStuffins in the entire store (they are both everywhere, FYI), the trip went by pretty quickly. The bambino even made out with a new ball, so it was a total shopping success!
Sandals - Children's Place

As is our usual style, our Father's Day was super low key. We started the day with homemade blueberry cream cheese coffee cake. Blueberries are so good right now, I had to bake them into something and this recipe was just too good to pass up.

recipe here

The In-laws came down for lunch and a little Zoey love, and came with a super fun gift for the kiddo...mega blocks! The Hubs and I were both big Lego fans as kids, so its pretty exciting to see our kid enjoying her first set of Lego-y blocks. She's barely stopped playing with them since, only taking a break to bounce around with her giant new ball.

After lunch, we made a visit to the Hubs' store, and the kiddo was nothing short of a blur. It's so difficult getting a decent shot of her these days...she's always always on the move.

Denim Sundress - Gap last year (similar here)

Monday (which is our version of Sundays) was spent working on some projects and relaxing. While working on the wood for a latch board for Z, I managed to dump a brand new can of wood stain on the back porch in a typical totally spastic moment. I'm still not completely sure how it happened, but I'm certain the can jumped off the table on it's own. I was somehow able to to salvage about half the can, and the rest cleaned up nicely, though I swear that I still smell mineral spirits two days later. And I don't even have a photo of the destruction to share with you guys (though I'm planning a little how-to posting once we finish the board), but take my word for it, it was an epic mess.

All in all it was a pretty great weekend. I love that we got to spend most of it together and not racing around running errands like we do most weekends. And best of all, we got to celebrate Z's amazing daddy!

Hope everyone had a wonderful Father's Day! Next up...Fourth of July!! One of my favorites!! Pool time, fish on the grill, bomp-pops, s'mores, and fireworks...sounds like I've already got it planned out!

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