Friday, May 23, 2014

Month 15 Update

Age: 15 months
Stats: 30 ¼ inches long (66th percentile), 21 lbs 2 oz (37th percentile), Head- 47 cm (97th percentile...apparently our kid is a bobble head!)

Clothes: Still rocking everything from 6-12 months to 18 months. It really depends on the brand. She's close to growing out of the size 3 shoes, though.

Favorite Foods: This past month, Z has been crazy for blueberries, bananas, and strawberries. If she could eat nothing but fruit, she'd be one happy little camper! She also loves those Go-Go Squeeze applesauce pouches, which I guess is technically more fruit. I even caught her screwing the cap back on her empty pouch the other day, which is a big switch from her usual behavior - trying to shove the cap in her mouth.

Favorite Words: If you read my last post, you know that Z has been a big fan of "ta-da" (although she rarely says it anymore), but in the last few days, we think she may have added "hi" to her vocabulary. We aren't exactly sure if she's saying it or just repeating the sound since she almost never says it without us saying it first. She also started saying choo-choo ("ti-doo") when she hears the train horn. But again, is she saying the word or repeating the sound?

Favorite Activities: Walking, walking, walking! Walking around the park, the pool, the dining room table, and especially walking down the sidewalk while momma is trying to sherpa five full bags of groceries into the house in one trip, and then screaming like a banshee when I pick her up to go inside. She also loves yanking Scout's tail, pool time, dancing, music, and "reading".

Least Favorite Activities: Going down for a nap, being told no, and diaper changes.  For about a week, she also hated baths. We have no idea why, but she would cry through the whole thing. Thankfully, Z's back to her bath-loving ways.

Signature Moves: Pushing objects around the house. Z will push around anything that isn't nailed down: push toys, cardboard boxes, laundry baskets, the Zany Zoo activity box, her high chair.  I'll come out of the bathroom and a dining room chair will have appeared by the front door. Random.

Using Utensils: Baby Tuna has started feeding herself with a fork. Hooray! It's a lot of banging the fork around till something sticks, but we're getting there.

Movie Watching: The Easter Bunny left Frozen in Z's Easter basket, so we had to watch. I wasn't expecting much, thought she'd pay attention here and there, dance and sing along to the songs she already loved, and pretty much ignore the TV for the majority of the movie. Boy was I wrong! I had a full-fledged Frozen zombie on my hands. What is it about that movie?!

Mesmerized by Elsa

It seems like this month, Z really started becoming a kid. While folding laundry the other night, I got all teary when I realized she's moved on from Monkey, her beloved finger puppet friend. Now she's getting snuggly with real stuffed animals. Next thing ya know, she'll be talking.

1 comment:

  1. Love this post . You really captured Z perfectly! She is a happy kid!
