Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Happy First Birthday!!

One year ago today, very early in the morning, a little ball of smiles and silliness came into our lives. 

We still can't believe she's ours. 

This morning, the Hubs had to head to work early, but I wanted to celebrate Zoey's day (and see how she would react to candles and a crazy person singing Happy Birthday before the real celebration this weekend). So I threw a candle in her usual waffle and sang my heart out. She was a little confused at first, and of course tried to reach for the flame, but once I started singing, she was all smiles. Maybe the beginning of a birthday waffle tradition?
I cannot wait for her first birthday cake experience! Will she love it or will it be a train wreck? Either way, it should make for some great pictures and a big ol' mess! 

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