Saturday, September 21, 2013

Seven Month Update

Seven months!! Holy wow, when did this happen?!

Z looked so stinkin' cute, and there were just so many great pics of her at her seven month photo here's a few more:

I mean, really. It's so hard choosing pictures to share with you guys. I take about a zillion each month between my iPhone and my DSLR. So many in fact, that I have to start deleting them from my phone so that I can upload the new iOS7. And now that Baby Tuna is doing more, I'm taking even more... and videos now, too! I. must. be. stopped!

So anyway...we started with a new pediatrician this week, so we've got some current stats:
Weight: 16.68 lbs
Length: 26 in
Our little squirt is still fitting into most of her 3-6 month clothes, although some are just plain 6 month sized (depending on the brand). I've started buying Halloweeny stuff now, in 6-12 month or 6-9 month, and they all look so HUGE! I haven't had the greatest track record with her holiday clothes, but I'm just going with it...and trying not to buy out the stores (I mean, have you seen the new fall BabyGap stuff?! Seriously cute and I want it all!)

Baby Tuna seems to have grown up super quickly, just in the last week. Almost as if she went down for a nap one afternoon and woke up with the ability to do more. Just a few days ago, she started drinking from her sippy cup all by herself (not on the regular, but now and then), feeding herself puffs (instead of holding them in her hand and drooling all over them until they dissolve), and almost crawling, either by powering backwards on her belly or by grabbing the rug and hoisting herself forward. We just got her a real high chair, and I think it may be the catalyst for all this big kid behavior.

Somebody's creepin' in this shot.
Trying to get this crawling business down. 

This is what moving backwards will get ya.

The best personality is emerging from this kid. This month, Little Miss Sillypants has become ticklish, smacks her lips when she eats, and likes to make funny faces (all of them with a big smile) just to make us giggle. It's so amazing!

Now that we are in the throes of teething (no sign of any chompers yet, but the drool is unbelievable!), night wakings have become a big time problem. She usually goes down easy, but only naps for thirty minutes at a time and wakes up many times most nights. We. are. exhausted. Thankfully, she's a pretty happy little camper during the day, and when teething irritates her, teething tablets seem to help. As does chewing on EVERYTHING!

The past month was also the start of the college football season...kind of a big deal in our house. And although our team has gotten off to a bit of a rocky start (but did you see yesterday's game vs Tennessee?! So sloppy, but it looks like we've got a new QB!), I couldn't let the season go by without a little Gator spirit! 

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