Monday, July 22, 2013


This week, we took a much-needed (and rare) vacation. After all of the stress from the babe's surgery and work stress for the Hubs, we couldn't wait to spend a few days chillin' at the beach. So what if we live a mile or so from the beach...we seriously needed a change in venue. So, after dropping off the pup at the in-laws (and enjoying a sushi lunch with my BFF), we headed north to Crescent Beach.

Even though we arrived in the evening, we couldn't wait to throw Z in the baby bjorn and hit the beach.

She has always loved feeling the wind in her hair, and what better place for that than the beach?!

This was her very first beachy experience, and she still isn't 100% sold on the idea. Over the next few days, the Hubs and I kept bringing her down to the water, hoping she would suddenly L-O-V-E the water. Not yet. Maybe next time. Having grown up at the beach, I'm hoping she will become a beach baby, too.
That's my first visit to the beach...about 8 months old, I think.

 For now though, Z's still a little timid. And because we still can't submerge her back in water, we had to keep it to toes only. In fact, we spent most of our time on the beach chillin' in our super awesome beach tent, (find one here) enjoying the people-watching and salt air. 

Z and Sophie taking their afternoon nap on the beach.

Unfortunately, the weather was a little bit yuck, so we didn't get as much beach time as we had hoped, especially in the evenings, which is the BEST time to be on the beach this time of year. But that gave Zoey some time with her cousins, Graelyn (age 3) and Elcie (15 months) who were super cute with her. I'm totally kicking myself for not getting any pics of those cuties!

The Hubs and I have promised each other that we will do our best to spend more time beaching it when we're home. I'm determined to turn Z into a beach bunny.

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