Sunday, January 10, 2016

Baby #2 - Seventeen Weeks

Ok. So I've already failed at my resolution of being a better blogger. The last few weeks have been crazy. Our parents were here for Christmas, the Hubs and Z were both sick the week after, and now Hubs is back to work and Z is in the midst of potty training. So now my days are pretty much spent sitting on a folding chair in the bathroom reading Pete the Cat and singing the Frozen soundtrack a cappella. #glamorouslife

Although I've been really good about taking bump shots on time, they haven't quite made it to the blog, so I'm starting with week seventeen (although today I technically eighteen weeks, so hopefully I'll post that one in a couple of days). 

 sweater in burgundy & gray [non-maternity]

How far along? 17 weeks 
Total weight gain: about 11 lbs...more than I had hoped, but considering I've eaten nothing but carbs for the last few months, probably not too bad. 
Maternity clothes? Just a couple of tops and a comfy pair of maternity leggings. Still rocking my regular jeans (thanks to the rubber band trick). Definitely in need of cold weather clothes that will cover this bump. Big difference between being preggo in winter in SoFlo and preggo in winter in VB!
Sleep? Meh. Some nights are great, but I just can't get comfy on my side. And then there's this toddler in our house...
Best moment this week? Hearing a strong baby heartbeat on Monday is always tops on the list! Z rocking this potty training thing is #2. (see what I did there?)
Have you told family and friends? Yes!
Miss anything? My motivation to do just about anything. And I would give my right arm for a spicy tuna roll from Thai Thai. (Though geography prevents that more than pregnancy).
Movement? Flutters and rolls like crazy, especially in the evenings. Probably gas. Haha! 
Food cravings?  I've had crazy cravings and aversions over the last few months. And they're always changing. Right now, it's all carbs, carbs, carbs (hence the huge belly). Pasta, sandwiches, sushi (veggie & shrimp rolls...nothing uncooked) and Tijuana Flats! Also eating a lot of apples and yogurt. 
Anything make you queasy or sick? It's usually something random and unexpected. Lately, applesauce, tomato sauce, and eggs. It's gonna be a while before I'll be able to eat eggs again! 
Have you started to show yet? Thanks to all the carbs I've been mainlining, I'm huge!
Gender? Thanks to my old lady womb "advanced maternal age", blood work a few weeks ago at the genetic counselor told us the gender. So we already know, but you suckers will just have to wait a bit longer! 
Happy or moody most of the time? Kind of neither. Z has been really testing us lately, so between that and feeling exhausted & gross all the time... 
Looking forward to: Feeling better and getting more energy, which is already slowly coming back. Hoping to get back into my fitness regimen and healthy eating soon, too. 

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