Thursday, October 2, 2014

Happy October!

felted ball garland - similar here | multi-color bunting - DIY

In my mind, fall officially begins on October 1. Living in Florida, September is still so so summery, but October is a whole different ball game. (Not today, though. Today it was well over 90 degrees!) The sun starts setting earlier and there something a little different about the sun's light. And word on the street is that the first cold front (and by cold front I clearly mean "not-as-hot-but-still-technically-warm front") is on it's way this weekend. So it may not be crisp air, fallen leaves, and apple picking down here in SoFlo, but we probably won't sweat ourselves into a puddle for a few days at least. And while I have yet to taste my first PSL of the season, I'm still pretty psyched about the free iced white mocha I scored today in Target, thanks to a computer meltdown. Nothing ushers in fall better than free Starbucks! 

Around here, we've started decorating (keepin' it simple this year thanks to our table-clearing toddler), thinking about what Z will be for Halloween (a ladybug? strawberry?), the kid has mastered the word "Boo!", and I've found a yummy sounding recipe for homemade skinny pumpkin spice latte (I'll let ya know how it tastes!).  The Halloween books have made their way to the bookshelf, and a certain cutie is already sporting her festive glow-in-the-dark pjs.

As for fall style, well, for me (and my mini), it's all about cute jeans, long sleeve tees, and cozy sweatshirts (most of which we won't be wearing until it's technically winter). So here are some of our favorites so far this season:

 I'm really looking forward to the days when I can cozy up in some fuzzy socks and that red sweatshirt for a viewing of Hocus Pocus with the kiddo. Ok. So maybe we'll wait another year or two for Hocus Pocus, but surely there's a Halloween episode of Doc McStuffins we can snuggle up and watch together!

So, what are your fall favorites this year? 

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